Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28th Weekly Blog

We will be having our "Welcome to West Night" for all current Waukesha West families and prospective families on Monday, December 12th 2016 from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. The night will allow all in attendance to choose from a variety of break out sessions for acquiring information prior to scheduling for next year. Please check out our flyer below for an overview and click on this link for more in depth information about the sessions that are available. Look forward to seeing you there!


Congratulations! - To the 27 students who traveled to UW Stevens Point the weekend of November 19th to perform at the State one act play contest, and they swept all of the awards.  This is the sixth consecutive year, West brought home the weekend's top award...The Critics' Choice!  West also received the contest's awards for Outstanding Ensemble and Outstanding Crew.  Mr. Berish was fortunate enough to win the contest's award for Outstanding Direction, and six of our students were recognized with individual acting awards that included Kaden Rhodes, Regan Carter, Jacob Calgaro, Ben Roubik, Sarah Tenwinkel and Sarah Werth. Word has it that West students were viewed as the celebrities of the it should be with such a memorable and dominating weekend!

Blood Drive - Thanks to all staff and students who participated in and worked hard to setup our school wide blood drive. A special shout out to our Student Council Advisor, Mr. Mark Anderson for his work to pull this off. He summed up the purpose of this event through the email below to encourage more donation.....Three heart transplants will be taking place in the area next week.  Two of them at children's hospital. For some reason, blood donation is down in the area. If you know anyone in the community that would like to donate, they are welcome to check in at the front doors and come on down.  Just add their name to the list... 

The Holiday Season....It is upon us and West High School continues to amaze me with its humanity. We have multiple clubs, activity groups and student organizations raising funds and gathering donations for supporting our local communities and the people who find themselves in need during this time of year. We are always at our best when we are giving to others, and I look forward to recognizing the many things our students and staff do over the next month as they give there time and energy. I am starting with the advertisement below....please come join us!!!

Don't Forget My Beard!! I am still willing to match any donation amount up to $100 total!!!!!! This will go into effect for the next donation session starting December 12th... be ready. If you have a hole in your pocket to donate, come my way and double that donation starting on December 12th! "Beard For Change Flyer"

WALL OF FAME - Earlier this school year I was able to showcase our two new inductees for the class of 2016 Wall of Fame at Waukesha West. The committee is looking for YOUR nominations. Parents and students please get the word out to all alumni and West supporters that we have a nomination process and the selection committee needs your nominations by January 15th, 2017! Anyone can nominate understanding that specific criteria needs to be met for consideration. Please access this LINK to access the nomination form through the Wall of Fame website. Contact West Athletic Director Mr. Kyle LeMieux with any further questions at 

Winter Sports/Activities \ Season - Is in full swing and I want to give a shout out to those who got involved! Winter can be long, cold and kudos for staying active! Even if you are involved and especially if you are not involved in a winter club/sport/activity be a SUPER Fan! I have heard they have some plans for supporting all things West this winter.....join in the fun and support other programs in our building through being a SUPER Fan! Connect with Mr. LeMieux for more info.

Principal Advisory Council - Here is the link for the minutes of the Principal Advisory Council meetings. We met most recently on Wednesday, November 16th. You representatives information is below. Please connect with them for bringing questions to the group you may have. We will report information through our monthly minutes however please note we are not meeting in December:


Coffee With The Principal - Next Wednesday morning December 7th is our next “Coffee With The Principal” meeting. It will be held from 7:15 - 8:05 A.M in room E122 which is located in our media center. All parents and students are invited for some coffee and cookies to talk about any topic with me and members of our administrative team.  I look forward to seeing some of you there.

 Archived Announcements : Please access this link to find all of the information in our daily announcements from previous weeks.

Preview of this week: Please check the calendars on these two links to preview what is happening at West High School this week: