Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29th Weekly Blog

Purpose Corner - Please enjoy this video as I briefly touch upon next steps in our professional development plan for the second half of this school year.

Click here for this 1:33 video

Student Scheduling  -  Current 9th through 11th grade students will be scheduling next years classes on either Thursday February 8th or Friday February 9th in their Science classes. We encourage all families to discuss scheduling options with their students. All students have to select a minimum of seven classes with a study hall and three alternate courses they would be interested in taking. Please access the Waukesha West Student Services web page for the course selection guide and information to support you in the selection process. Our counselors are ready to answer any questions you may have,  

Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up - We will be having two nights of Parent/Teacher conferences at West High School on Tuesday February 20th and Wednesday February 21st. Conferences will start at 4:00 P.M. and go until 6:00 P.M. on both nights of these back-to-back evenings. We will be trying a new format for these conferences with Tuesday February 20th by appointment only and Wednesday the 21st at a drop in format the same as we did this past fall for Parent/Teacher conferences. You can sign up to meet with teachers or counselors on a first come first serve basis for Tuesday February 20th by accessing the Sign-Up Genius link.

AVID for West High School - Today we sent out letters to approximately 90 freshmen families who may be a fit to join the rigorous college preparation program known as AVID which will kick off next school year at West and focuses on our current freshmen students only. The selection process for being part of the AVID family is a journey and students have to earn their place within the program through meeting specific criteria. The same letters that were sent to families will also be hand delivered to each selected student over the next couple of days. The letter invites them to our February 12th lunch for learning more about AVID from current students who are part of it within our district. The letter also invites parents to learn more about this program through our AVID Showcase night which will be from 5:00 - 6:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 13th in the West Media Center. The AVID Showcase is open to any and all parents and students to come and learn more about this program if they so chose. We will be expanding the program to 9th and 11th grade students for the 2019 -2020 school year. Learn more at "What is AVID?"


Grade 10 "Practice ACT" - There may be a possible option for any/all 10th grade West students to take a practice ACT on February 27th which is the same day all 11th grade students will take the state sponsored ACT assessment. The sign up for registration for this test is linked here. Please sign up by February 1st, 2018 as the registration closes after this date. This assessment has no charge and there is not a writing component to this assessment. Contact me (Mr. Patt) with any questions.

Homelessness - Homelessness is continuing to affect more students an families in the School District of Waukesha. The affect of homelessness on students is vast and we want to ensure families can define their situation against criteria and receive support if needed.... please see the flyers below:



The "West Woods Project" - This has been a project that I have showcased on this blog and has had positive momentum with a good start to the project. The West Woods club is looking to go further in their quest to complete the project and are asking for support. Please see the detailed description of the project followed by the flyer.

The West Woods is located on the property of Waukesha West. It is a beautiful natural area consisting of a pond, a stream, various species of trees and plants, and wildlife. The project’s mission is to establish an area and one mile path in which all students can learn about the environment and provide recreation opportunities for the community. This area is intended to be open to everyone of all ages: families, students, the elderly, adults, children, and the disabled. Indeed, one of the West Woods’ primary goals is to have the one mile trail be handicap accessible.

Currently, the trail
- is partially graveled
- has only one bridge (not well-built)
- is lacking boardwalks and benches
- has poor pond drainage infrastructure

In order for the West Woods to be used to its full potential, the trail needs improvements so that all visitors can enjoy the area. Improving the West Woods will be beneficial to a variety of people and for a variety of purposes. Students from Waukesha West High School will get to utilize the woods for various classes, including science and art. People from the community will be able to enjoy the trails, take photos or simply appreciate being in nature. Regardless of intended purpose, all visitors will be able to enjoy some time in nature, away from technology, and reconnect with the natural world. If you would like to donate to help offset the cost of the projects that will need to be completed, please deliver a check written out to West Woods Project to the main office. Questions regarding the project can be emailed to Fred Jonas at

Archived Announcements (Link) Please access this link to find all of the information in our daily announcements from previous weeks.

Preview of this week: Please check the calendars by clicking on these two links to preview what is happening at West High School this week:

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 22nd Weekly Blog (Tuesday Edition)

The One Conference - Yesterday the West High teaching staff along with all other teachers and administrators district wide, attended the ONE Conference which is a technology conference for SDW. West is happy to host this event which features a highly collaborative and engaging environment where educators learn to integrate technology into their daily instruction for enhancing the student experience and increasing rigor. Many thanks to all of the district leaders who work hard to make this event run smooth and for our West staff who open their rooms to presenters. Our custodial staff does an amazing job of making the building look exceptional and are consistently patient to meet the needs of all in attendance....again a BIG thank you to all!

Purpose Corner - Please enjoy this video as I highlight our school focus for professional development around the ONE conference that took place yesterday at Waukesha West....

Please click here for this 2:51 video

NEW Parent/Teacher Conferences in February - We will be having two nights of Parent/Teacher conferences at West High School on Tuesday February 20th and Wednesday February 21st. Conferences will start at 4:00 P.M. and go until 6:00 P.M. on both nights of these back-to-back evenings. We will be trying a new format for these conferences with Tuesday February 20th by appointment only and Wednesday the 21st at a drop in format the same as we did this past fall for Parent/Teacher conferences. More information will be coming out about the sign up process for Tuesday the 20th on or about Monday, January 29th.

Grade 10 "Practice ACT" - There may be a possible option for any/all 10th grade West students to take a practice ACT on February 27th which is the same day all 11th grade students will take the state sponsored ACT assessment. The sign up for registration for this test is linked here. Please sign up by February 1st, 2018 as the registration closes after this date. This assessment has no charge and there is not a writing component to this assessment. Contact me (Mr. Patt) with any questions.

Principal Advisory Council - Below are the names of the individuals on the Principal Advisory Council. We met as a group most recently on Wednesday January 17th. Please contact the representatives with questions/comments for our next meeting which will be on Wednesday, February 21st after our teacher conferences. The meeting minutes are linked here:

Amy Holzinger
Ann Pascavis
Cathy Frantz
James Boling
Jennifer Engel
Jim Karpowitz
Mark McGinnis
Mercedes Rawson
Sarah Bristol
Wendy Hamilton
Betsy Peters
Michelle Werner

NEW West Website! - As of last week we have switched over to a new website format. This format is being adopted district wide and will look similar to the sites of other schools in our district. Our goal is to make our site as simple and user friendly as possible. Please bare with us as we move information over from our previous site as things will be in work in progress for a bit, but we have a bulk of info up to date and ready, the main page should look like what you see below:

The "West Woods Project" - This has been a project that I have showcased on this blog and has had positive momentum with a good start to the project. The West Woods club is looking to go further in their quest to complete the project and are asking for support. Please see the detailed description of the project followed by the flyer.

The West Woods is located on the property of Waukesha West. It is a beautiful natural area consisting of a pond, a stream, various species of trees and plants, and wildlife. The project’s mission is to establish an area and one mile path in which all students can learn about the environment and provide recreation opportunities for the community. This area is intended to be open to everyone of all ages: families, students, the elderly, adults, children, and the disabled. Indeed, one of the West Woods’ primary goals is to have the one mile trail be handicap accessible.

Currently, the trail
- is partially graveled
- has only one bridge (not well-built)
- is lacking boardwalks and benches
- has poor pond drainage infrastructure

In order for the West Woods to be used to its full potential, the trail needs improvements so that all visitors can enjoy the area. Improving the West Woods will be beneficial to a variety of people and for a variety of purposes. Students from Waukesha West High School will get to utilize the woods for various classes, including science and art. People from the community will be able to enjoy the trails, take photos or simply appreciate being in nature. Regardless of intended purpose, all visitors will be able to enjoy some time in nature, away from technology, and reconnect with the natural world. If you would like to donate to help offset the cost of the projects that will need to be completed, please deliver a check written out to West Woods Project to the main office. Questions regarding the project can be emailed to Fred Jonas at

Archived Announcements (Link) Please access this link to find all of the information in our daily announcements from previous weeks.

Preview of this week: Please check the calendars by clicking on these two links to preview what is happening at West High School this week:

Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15th Weekly Blog

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2018 - Today is the day we celebrate the life's work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King's message of equality and togetherness continues to inspire generations. The Waukesha West "We Are Diverse" club or WAD along with West Choir students performed today at an MLK Jr. Day event at WCTC. The event had limited seating and the reviews from those in attendance was that once again our students stole the show! I will share video of them in action when/if I receive it in the near future! Enjoy the pictures below of our students attending the event including one of them with the keynote Dr. Howard Fuller.

Finals Schedule -  Our finals week and we run an alternate schedule. Please see the expectations below that were sent out to all students as well as the schedule for the week.

As they have always been......

  • Students are expected to be in attendance for all eight class periods during finals week including study halls, they are not optional.
  • Students do not have to be in attendance for make-up or review/conferencing time unless required by their teacher. Students who come in during this time need to be in a supervised location for the duration of the time. Students can be with a teacher in their classroom, or in our Field house, Media Center or Cafeteria.
  • Students do not have the option to miss a scheduled exam hour and then take it during the make-up session unless they have communicated with their teacher a legitimate absence reason. Students risk loosing this opportunity to show more evidence of their learning which could affect their semester grade.  
  • All students should be in their designated classroom during their final exam hour for the entire period and are NOT to be released early, as there are other exams occurring.

Waukesha West Fishing Club - Fishing club advisors Mr. Joe Jenna and Mr. Mark Anderson went out fishing on Nagawicka for a few hours this past cold Saturday morning with the fishing club.  It was not the greatest fishing but all had fun and numerous students caught their first fish through the ice. The biggest was a 28” pike that was released before a picture...turns out that a camera phone doesn’t work very well in -15 below wind chill....enjoy the pictures below!

NEW Parent/Teacher Conferences in February - We will be having two nights of Parent/Teacher conferences at West High School on Tuesday February 20th and Wednesday February 21st. Conferences will start at 4:00 P.M. and go until 6:00 P.M. on both nights of these back-to-back evenings. We will be trying a new format for these conferences with Tuesday February 20th by appointment only and Wednesday the 21st at a drop in format the same as we did this past fall for Parent/Teacher conferences. More information will be coming out about the sign up process for Tuesday the 20th.

Grade 10 "Practice ACT" - There may be a possible option for any/all 10th grade West students to take a practice ACT on February 27th which is the same day all 11th grade students will take the state sponsored ACT assessment. The sign up for registration for this test is linked here. Please sign up by February 1st, 2018 as the registration closes after this date. This assessment has no charge and there is not a writing component to this assessment. Contact me (Mr. Patt) with any questions.

NEW West Website! - As of last week we have switched over to a new website format. This format is being adopted district wide and will look similar to the sites of other schools in our district. Our goal is to make our site as simple and user friendly as possible. Please bare with us as we move information over from our previous site as things will be in work in progress for a bit, but we have a bulk of info up to date and ready, the main page should look like what you see below:

Archived Announcements (Link) Please access this link to find all of the information in our daily announcements from previous weeks.

Preview of this week: Please check the calendars by clicking on these two links to preview what is happening at West High School this week:

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8th Weekly Blog

Happy New Year!!!! - Welcome back to all after our recent break. Please access the video below as I discuss next steps after our recent collaborative share out process....

Please click here for this 2:11 video

"Purpose Corner" - Please enjoy the pictures below of our staff engaging in their second round of their PLC inquiry group share-outs which occurred on Friday, December 22nd, 2017. All staff are part of a group that is focusing on a topic related to one of the three pillars of our Theory of Action for increasing rigor at West High School. During this share out, groups have to share their story on how they impacted student learning by showcasing change data and sharing student work that exemplifies that change. It was a second productive morning for collaboration among our staff!! 

Finals Schedule - Next week is our finals week and we run an alternate schedule. Please see the expectations below that were sent out to all students as well as the schedule for the week.

As they have always been......

  • Students are expected to be in attendance for all eight class periods during finals week including study halls, they are not optional.
  • Students do not have to be in attendance for make-up or review/conferencing time unless required by their teacher. Students who come in during this time need to be in a supervised location for the duration of the time. Students can be with a teacher in their classroom, or in our Field house, Media Center or Cafeteria.
  • Students do not have the option to miss a scheduled exam hour and then take it during the make-up session unless they have communicated with their teacher a legitimate absence reason. Students risk loosing this opportunity to show more evidence of their learning which could affect their semester grade.  
  • All students should be in their designated classroom during their final exam hour for the entire period and are NOT to be released early, as there are other exams occurring.

"Winter Pep Rally!" - Members of our student led Wolverine Leadership Academy put together a winter pep rally to have a little fun prior to our holiday break. As with all of our pep rally's we seek to recognize our sports and activities clubs and have some fun to celebrate all of their work. We had a tug-o-war, sled races, choir ensemble, cheer performance, dance performance, teacher skit and a fear factor fundraiser where staff members ate some "select" items after raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation like "worm jerky" and pickled pigs feet!. It culminated in the principal being made into a human cookie,  and I have heard he is still cleaning frosting out of his ear drums! Great job WLA in getting this together. Enjoy our drum line prior to the pep rally getting ready to greet student as they come in the video below....

Please click here for this 0:23 video

Waukesha MADE - Did you know that we have wonderful partnerships with local businesses, Waukesha County Technical College, and the Waukesha County Business Alliance? We all come together under one banner known as Waukesha MADE. Our focus is to partner with local businesses to provide our students with real world projects to enhance their learning, while offering some possibilities for future employment. One of the projects that was recently completed through West was a pergola for Aries corporation. This project was taken on by our construction students, who worked their tails off to get this done....working late into the night prior to the deadline to finish the pergola. Please see the email below from Aries CEO and the picture of the completed project and students who worked on it. 

I just returned from a business trip to Europe and upon my return, I admired the finished pergola built by your students.  I want to congratulate you, the instructors, and the students on the beautiful work they did.  Aries employees will enjoy this pergola for years to come.  It also serves as a beautiful complement to our building/grounds and neighborhood. 

This pergola stands as a wonderful testament to the cooperation/partnership we our building through Waukesha MADE.  I hope the students learned much and take pride in their beautiful work.  Also, I am very grateful the project was completed in the agreed upon timeframe.

Thank you for a job well done!

Nick Kroll

Waukesha West Holiday Concert - I had the pleasure to attend the West holiday concert at Shattuck Auditorium on the Carroll University campus. Our band performed as well as our choirs and were wonderful! Please enjoy one portion of the concerts that showcases just a bit of the talent that was on display that night...enjoy!

Please click here for this 3:13 video
Principal Advisory Council - Below are the names of the individuals on the Principal Advisory Council. We met as a group most recently on Wednesday December 20th. We will be meeting again during our monthly time next on Wednesday January 17th. Please contact the representatives with questions/comments for our next meeting. The meeting minutes are linked here:

Amy Holzinger
Ann Pascavis
Cathy Frantz
James Boling
Jennifer Engel
Jim Karpowitz
Mark McGinnis
Mercedes Rawson
Sarah Bristol
Wendy Hamilton
Betsy Peters
Michelle Werner

NEW Parent/Teacher Conferences in February - We will be having two nights of Parent/Teacher conferences at West High School on Tuesday February 20th and Wednesday February 21st. Conferences will start at 4:00 P.M. and go until 6:00 P.M. on both nights of these back-to-back evenings. We will be trying a new format for these conferences with Tuesday February 20th by appointment only and Wednesday the 21st at a drop in format the same as we did this past fall for Parent/Teacher conferences. More information will be coming out about the sign up process for Tuesday the 21st.

 "NEW - Empowering Parent Series The first session of the empowering parent series is in the books and the next one is coming up tomorrow on January 9th, 2018. please see the flyer below for more information and hope to see you there!

Grade 10 "Practice ACT" - There may be a possible option for any/all 10th grade West students to take a practice ACT on February 27th which is the same day all 11th grade students will take the state sponsored ACT assessment. I will know more soon if this will be a reality, and I am sending out this info that it has a great chance to happen. There will be no cost for students and they will receive excellent feedback on their academic skill set. More to come on this possibility!

NEW West Website! - As of last week we have switched over to a new website format. This format is being adopted district wide and will look similar to the sites of other schools in our district. Our goal is to make our site as simple and user friendly as possible. Please bare with us as we move information over from our previous site as things will be in work in progress for a bit, but we have a bulk of info up to date and ready, the main page should look like what you see below:

AP Test has changed from last year.....
Please access the link below to our website for all the information you need to register fro AP tests and understand the changes that have occurred to that process for this school year. 

Archived Announcements (Link) Please access this link to find all of the information in our daily announcements from previous weeks.

Preview of this week: Please check the calendars by clicking on these two links to preview what is happening at West High School this week: