Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15th Weekly Blog

Prom.... was outstanding!! - I am so very proud of our students and how they represented themselves, their families, their community and their school at this past Saturday's 2017 prom. We have battled with differences in our student dance culture compared to school expectations these past couple of years. What I saw Saturday were students actually dancing with their dates!!! They were face to face and swinging around for hours on end, and it was enjoyable to watch and based on student feed back...enjoyable to be a part of. It is no secret that as an administrative team we police our students hard at dances. Last years prom resulted in around thirty students being asked to leave early because of inappropriate dancing with over sixty warnings issued. This year we had between six and eight warnings given and we asked only six students to leave early because of their dancing. That is a huge shift to be proud of as a student body! So the formula is face to face real dancing with your date minus (-) grinding = most fun prom ever! Thank you again students as you were outstanding!

Graduation 2017 Dates & Times: Graduation day for the all three Waukesha legacy high schools will be June 10th, 2017. Waukesha West High School will be holding graduation ceremonies in the West Fieldhouse on this date beginning at 2:00 P.M. As we are one community divided into three high schools, this year graduation times among all three high schools are staggered to enable friends and family to attend multiple ceremonies if they so choose. South High School ceremonies will begin at 10:00 A.M. and North High School ceremonies will begin at 12:00 P.M. on this date. Please begin informing friends and family who will be attending.

Finals Schedule - Below is our exam schedule for the  final week of the school year:

WLA "Wolverine Leadership Academy" what is it?? - We are excited to launch this potential game changing idea for West. The video below describes our starting place with this for next year. Please take a look and get involved if it is a fit for you.
Please click here for this video
West Forensics at State - We have so many amazing programs that perform well and represent West High School at the highest level. Back in late April our Forensics team dominated the state competition. Coach Amy Koszarek stated "I'm really proud of these students. 9 gold medals (perfect scores) and 7 silver medals at State!" 

Ecuador/Galapagos Island Service Trip - During our Spring break we had a group of students and teachers travel to Ecuador and the Galapagos on a service trip to help in the impoverished Andes mountain villages. They had an eventful trip of which I have blogged before, but please enjoy the pictures below....notice the 120 year old tortoise in one of the pictures!



Project Graduation - All West parents needed to help at June 10th's Project Graduation!Graduation is less than two months away and the Project Graduation Committee has a fun night of food, games, activities and prizes for our senior class.  In order for this night to run smoothly and to keep this long-running tradition going strong for future grads, parents of students in all grade levels are needed to help out throughout the event. Shifts are available in all areas: from decorating, food prep, working in the kitchen and running carnival or casino games to checking in students as they arrive and being part of the security team.  Please consider how you can help and sign up here:  Thanks for supporting our seniors and school! Please access the link below if you would like to check out Project Grad.... Project Graduation Website Link

 Principal Advisory Council - Here is the link for the minutes of the Principal Advisory Council meetings. We will meet on Wednesday, May 17th for our final meeting of the year. Over the summer I will be opening it up to new members for next year. Your representatives information is below. Please connect with them for bringing questions to the group you may have. We will report information through our monthly minutes linked above:


Archived Announcements Link: Please access this link to find all of the information in our daily announcements from previous weeks.

Preview of this week: Please check the calendars by downloading the West App or clicking on these two links to preview what is happening at West High School this week: