Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2018 - Today is the day we celebrate the life's work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King's message of equality and togetherness continues to inspire generations. The Waukesha West "We Are Diverse" club or WAD along with West Choir students performed today at an MLK Jr. Day event at WCTC. The event had limited seating and the reviews from those in attendance was that once again our students stole the show! I will share video of them in action when/if I receive it in the near future! Enjoy the pictures below of our students attending the event including one of them with the keynote Dr. Howard Fuller.
Finals Schedule - Our finals week and we run an alternate schedule. Please see the expectations below that were sent out to all students as well as the schedule for the week.
As they have always been......
- Students are expected to be in attendance for all eight class periods during finals week including study halls, they are not optional.
- Students do not have to be in attendance for make-up or review/conferencing time unless required by their teacher. Students who come in during this time need to be in a supervised location for the duration of the time. Students can be with a teacher in their classroom, or in our Field house, Media Center or Cafeteria.
- Students do not have the option to miss a scheduled exam hour and then take it during the make-up session unless they have communicated with their teacher a legitimate absence reason. Students risk loosing this opportunity to show more evidence of their learning which could affect their semester grade.
- All students should be in their designated classroom during their final exam hour for the entire period and are NOT to be released early, as there are other exams occurring.
Waukesha West Fishing Club - Fishing club advisors Mr. Joe Jenna and Mr. Mark Anderson went out fishing on Nagawicka for a few hours this past cold Saturday morning with the fishing club. It was not the greatest fishing but all had fun and numerous students caught their first fish through the ice. The biggest was a 28” pike that was released before a picture...turns out that a camera phone doesn’t work very well in -15 below wind chill....enjoy the pictures below!
NEW Parent/Teacher Conferences in February - We will be having two nights of Parent/Teacher conferences at West High School on Tuesday February 20th and Wednesday February 21st. Conferences will start at 4:00 P.M. and go until 6:00 P.M. on both nights of these back-to-back evenings. We will be trying a new format for these conferences with Tuesday February 20th by appointment only and Wednesday the 21st at a drop in format the same as we did this past fall for Parent/Teacher conferences. More information will be coming out about the sign up process for Tuesday the 20th.
Grade 10 "Practice ACT" - There may be a possible option for any/all 10th grade West students to take a practice ACT on February 27th which is the same day all 11th grade students will take the state sponsored ACT assessment. The sign up for registration for this test is linked here. Please sign up by February 1st, 2018 as the registration closes after this date. This assessment has no charge and there is not a writing component to this assessment. Contact me (Mr. Patt) with any questions.
NEW West Website! - As of last week we have switched over to a new website format. This format is being adopted district wide and will look similar to the sites of other schools in our district. Our goal is to make our site as simple and user friendly as possible. Please bare with us as we move information over from our previous site as things will be in work in progress for a bit, but we have a bulk of info up to date and ready, the main page should look like what you see below:
Archived Announcements (Link) Please access this link to find all of the information in our daily announcements from previous weeks.
Preview of this week: Please check the calendars by clicking on these two links to preview what is happening at West High School this week: