Monday, October 14, 2019

October 14th Weekly Blog

Purpose Corner - This week on "Purpose Corner" I remind all students of the importance of checking their school email on a daily basis, during proper times throughout the school day as we use this to provide important information to students. I also discuss "threat assessment" as it pertains to school safety at West.

Please click here to access this 2:30 video

West Woods Project - The West Woods Project has been ongoing over the past couple of years and has resulted in many volunteer hours, several hours of fundraising, a few donations for materials, and a consistent purpose to make the patch of woods in the southwest corner of our campus accessible for enjoyment. English teacher Fred Jonas has been the constant and I want to share with you his latest update on the project with some pictures.... a big shout out to Joe Ginter who focused on the West Woods for an Eagle Scout project and rocked it!!

A quick update on the West Woods Project:
Yesterday, a group from the Boy Scouts/ Eagle Scouts, parents, staff and students were here from 8:30 - 5:30 working on the path. Specifically, Joe Ginter, freshman student, led the Scouts and donated two benches and provided many people with rakes to level the path. He was instrumental yesterday and deserves a major shout-out.
Two of our senior girls helped spread chips by Teri's memorial bench and provided the mortar mix, and three senior guys (A.Owusu-Asiedu, Z.Kluge and E. Duberstein) helped reassemble the stone wall by the waterfall - and learned some masonry skills in the process. Mr. Patt, Mr. Knutson, Mr. Jeff Lane (retired), Mr. Gray, and countless staff, parents and all others helped, supported, and encouraged everyone to get this moving and keep going when we were cold and tired - but the path is (nearly) done. We literally ran out of gasoline and had to stop. Specifically, Mr. Dave Thompson donated machinery and crew/ operators to lay the 1/2 mile of stone (as did Mr. Patt until a tragic equipment failure). It should be fully graveled by tomorrow thanks to Tim W and Dennis W!!!!!! Lastly, thanks, as always, to Ms. Kirsten Ellsworth for her unending support, encouragement and work to help this become a reality. 

If you get a chance later this week or next, please walk the path. The new stone is soft, but it's not mud. It's there for everyone's use and it's beautiful in the fall. It is the ultimate decompression/ wellness experience. Again, I apologize if I missed anyone. You know I am eternally grateful to all who have made this become a reality. Go West!

The Cadets of Waukesha West!! - The Cadets have been setting the standard for excellence throughout the marching band competition season earning multiple first-place victories throughout. Well, they did it again this past weekend in preparation for the state competition this coming weekend at UW-Whitewater. The Cadets posted season high scores and received 1st place in Class Triple-A at both events this past weekend held at Milton and Sauk Prairie High Schools. Come out and support the Cadets’ final performance of “Eyes of Athena” at UW-Whitewater this Saturday, October 19 at 9:00 P.M. at the state competition!!

Guest Blogger - I challenged some people last week to become guest bloggers and I received one correspondence that has the potential to join me. I look forward to meeting with this student and making this happen, but in the meantime, the challenge is still out there...I am open to any students who may want to become a guest blogger, please contact me directly, thanks!

College & Career Fair - Please come and engage at your leisure in this outstanding event...flyer below:

Principal Advisory Committee - Below are the names of the individuals on the Principal Advisory Council for 2019-2020. We will be meeting this Wednesday, October 16th so please contact any one of the representatives with questions you may have. Please access the minutes for more information about our discussions for this school year. The meeting minutes are linked here:

Nate Houlton (Gr. 10)
Cortney Youngblood (Gr. 10)
Jackie Papageorge (Gr.10)
Michelle Cameron (Gr. 10)
Jennifer Schmeichel
(Gr. 11)
Wendy Dahl (Gr. 12)
Michelle Kuokkanen
(Gr. 12)
Jana Manning (Gr. 9)
Carri Marlow
(Gr. 9)
Clifton Hoffman (Gr. 9)
Katie Pantzlaff (Gr. 9)
Kristi Fischer
(Gr. 9)
Wendy Hamilton (Gr. 11)

Archived Announcements (Link) Please access this link to find all of the information in our daily announcements from previous weeks.

Preview of this week: Please check the calendars here: West Main Page Calendar (Link)